Friday 10 July 2020

Presente irregular

Presente irregular

1. Actividad de comprensión auditiva en Aula Internacional

Aula Internacional 2, página 12

Conversación antes de empezar un curso de español
Conversation before starting a Spanish course

Aquí tienes un set de flashcards en quizlet para aprender vocabulario útil para esta actividad: Aula Internacional 2, p12 Actividad 2

You can read more about some of of the expressions that you can find in the quizlet set of flashcards:

¿Cuánto tiempo piensas estar aquí?: how long are you going to stay here?

Note that this is a verbal expression that is more or less equivalent to the near future tense ´voy a + infinitive´. It is formed with the verb ´pensar´ (to think) in the present tense and the infinitive of the main verb. 

Example: Este trimestre pienso estudiar mucho
                    This term I´m going to study hard

It´s often used to convey a commitment we make or an idea we most definitely want to do, like a resolution. 
You can still use ´voy a + infinitive´ in the same instances:

                 Este trimestre voy a estudiar mucho.

¡A ver si hay suerte!
This is a colloquial way of saying ´¡Buena suerte!´ (good luck). Literally, it translates as ´let´s see if there´s luck´ but when we say it we are clearly wishing for luck. Rather than ´let´s see if there´s luck´ we´re saying ´I hope there will be luck.´

¿A qué te dedicas?
Another way of asking ´¿cuál es tu profesión?´ It literally means ´what do you devote yourself to?´, as in ´what do you do for a living?´
It´s a reflexive verb: yo me dedico a, tú te dedicas a...
However, to answer this question we can simply state our profession with ´soy´. 
Example: soy profesora. 

Me cuesta
Another verb like ´gustar´. 
We need to use the ´me´ pronoun before the verb and the verb is in the third person singular or plural:

Example: me cuesta leer                     me cuestan los exámenes
               (I find reading hard)             (I find exams hard)
               (reading is hard for me)       (Exams are hard for me)

The verb literally means ´to cost´ but it refers to how hard we find something, how hard it costs us (in a metaphorical sense). 

2. Actividad de comprensión auditiva en Aula Internacional

Ana habla de las lenguas que habla
Ana talks about the languages she speaks

Mira el set de flashcards de quizlet para familiarizarte con algunas expresiones y vocabulario que aparece en esta conversación.
Look at the quizlet flashcards set to familiarize yourself with some expressions and vocabulary that features in this conversation.

  • Más información:

Filología inglesa:

This is more or less equivalent to a British ´English degree´ but it is much more thorough in that it combines literature, grammar, linguistics, translation, culture and history of the English-speaking countries. It´s the study of the language from multiple perspectives. 

3. Ejercicios online

4. Canción de Julieta Venegas

Limón y sal

4. Canción de Manu Chao


5. Canción de Mecano

Cruz de Navajas

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