Thursday 9 May 2019



1. When they accompany a noun, like ´my daughter: mi hija´

 my, your, his/her, our, your, their
mi, tu, su, nuestro/a/os/as, vuestro/a/os/as, su

Ejercicios online:

Click the possessives in each sentence

Elige el posesivo correcto en cada frase

2. When they substitute a noun

For example: la casa es de Pedro        =               la casa es suya

Ejercicios online:

Choose the right possessive to match the noun (masculine, feminine, singular or plural)

Choose the right possessive in each sentence
(Please, note that when we are expressing the idea of belonging, answering the question ´whose... is this?, we don't use the article:

Por ejemplo, ¿De quién es esta libreta?
                       Es mía

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